Free on Kindle Wednesday only: Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner

I’m happy to announce that today Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner is available on Kindle. Now you can read it with the Kindle app on your laptop, Android phone or tablet, iPad, or iPhone.
Our readers been asking for this, and we’ve been working at it for over a year. We know the paperback is packed with information, resources and encouragement. (No wonder it weighs in at nearly two pounds.) Now you can pack all that information and encouragement electronically, with updated hyperlinks to hundreds of recommended resources.

For your loyalty and patience:
1) Special – Tomorrow, August 19, 2015, you can download Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner free. (Kindle runs these promos more-or-less midnight-to-midnight, Pacific Standard Time.)
The book goes back to list price on Thursday. But even at $9.99, it’s a bargain, with hundreds of practical tips and resources.
This is my special thank you for your support. Please tell your friends! Even folks who don’t homeschool have called this book a gold mine of resources.
I’m doing this because I’m sure you know someone who’s getting started homeschooling, or thinking about it, who needs this book today.
2) If you purchased the paperback on, you can buy the Kindle version for only $2.99 anytime.
3) To help more families with kids with learning challenges, I’ve opted to let you share your Kindle copy of my book with friends and family. So feel free to lend your Kindle version of my book to friends considering homeschooling, or homeschooling friends who may be facing teaching children with learning challenges.