Hundreds of helps: an ocean of resources

Every month, I find dozens of articles, videos, webinars, and stories to inform and encourage parents of kids who learn differently. Helping parents help kids with learning challenges is what I do. I love finding searching and reading to find good and interesting stuff for you busy parents. I remember how little time I had when my child with special needs was still at home.
So why don’t I post “Links of the month” any more? The torrent grew so heavy that sorting and posting them became difficult. I needed an easier system.

I started posting them to Twitter, my Facebook professional page, and to LinkedIn. Some of you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, and have already seen them. I’ve posted 53 in the last 30 days. I hope to keep posting at least 8-10 a week, despite traveling to speak at homeschool conventions this spring.
But many of you don’t have time to log into Facebook, or you don’t use social media, either out of conviction or because you’re out of time. Since I’m wary of how they can devour my time, I’m sympathetic.
[I’ve installed Leechblock, an add-on for my Firefox browser, that lets me set limits to how long and when I visit certain pages–a virtual parent. It’s great for distractible adults. And who isn’t distractible now? The internet actually is designed to reward distractibility. (They get paid per click, you know.)
This spring, I plan to try RescueTime, which combines website blocking with logging your computer activity. (Let me know in the comments below if you’ve used it.)]
Anyway, you see my recommended articles and links without signing in or joining a social network:
- On Twitter. (When you click here, a pop-up screen will invited you to join or log into Twitter, but you can click on the X in the upper right to “just say no.”)
- On Facebook, you can see my professional page, Kathy Kuhl, where the same links appear.
Of course, I’m very happy to have you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Linked in. I post the same links to all three.
What are your favorite sources for information and encouragement as you help your struggling learners grow and thrive? Let me know, and I can glean from it to share with all of you.
Love your website and books! Thanks for all your help! Do you have any opinions about “Minds in Motion” or the Family Hope Center’s “Your Thriving Child” programs? Thanks so much!
Thank you, Meredith.
Sorry, but I don’t know enough about either therapy to comment.